An Interview on the Foundations of Psychiatry
I have not posted for a long time, but I was not idle. These are just extremely exciting times with a lot of challenging changes, for me personally and for our subject, psychiatry. Over the next few months, I’ll certainly cover some of these new developments here.
On September 30, the Center for Innovative Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Research (ZIPP) was opened at the Central Institute for Mental Health in Mannheim. To prepare for this event, I gave an interview to Arvid Leyh of the German website DasGehirn.Info, which already took place in October 2018.
It is about our understanding of psychopharmacology and its further development, our self-image as a psychiatrists, about humanism and the political responsibility of psychiatry. The video can be viewed here, but it is also available on Youtube. The interview is in German.
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