“The new paths of psychiatry” in WDR
On October 8th and 9th, 2017, the Westdeutscher Rundfunk (WDR) broadcasted a program with the title “Zudröhnen oder Ausschleichen? Die neuen Pfade der Psychiatrie”, which contains many statements I made during an interview I gave to Dr. Martin Hubert, who created the feature. The program is in German, but it contains many original statements by British psychiatrist Joanna Moncrieff.
Although I don’t like the title (“stuffing” and “tapering” are not alternatives), the radio feature is very good and thoughtful. It deals with fundamental questions about psychopharmacology and psychiatry in general. The broadcast can be found here. Since the audio podcast will be available only temporarily, I will make it also available in my YouTube channel at a later time point.
This radio feature represents an extension of the program “Die Krise der Psychopharmaka”, which was broadcasted on April 2nd, 2017, in the Deutschlandfunk. I reported on this broadcast in my blog on April 24th (no longer available). This post, however, was only available in German.
If you are interested in this topic, please also see the article “Wo bleibt der disruptive Wandel?” (English: Were is the disruptive change?”), which was published already on December 28th, 2016, in the “Ärztezeitung”. It deals with the fundamental question were psychopharmacology is heading. I personally believe that disruptive change in psychopharmacology will ultimately lead to a new understanding of psychiatry.