How do Psychotropic Drugs Work?
In my blog post dated April 30, 2019, I referred to the Insight Conference (“Integrating Science and Practice of Psychedelic States”), which took place from 5 to 7 September 2019 in Berlin. At the conference I gave a lecture entitled “How do psychotropic drugs work?”.
Here is the abstract to my presentation. The talk is now available on the YouTube channel of the Mind Foundation. It can be viewed here (in English). The video will soon be available on my own YouTube channel.
Today I would also like to announce a television program on the topic (Title: “Das Comeback der Hippie-Droge LSD” – in German), which will be shown on October 9, 2019 (Wednesday) at 22:10 in WDR. I was also interviewed for the program. Here is the advance notice. The broadcast will be available later in the WDR Mediathek.